tag, i'm it!

it's a beautiful Friday - it's a day away from the weekend once again! i'm thankful as most of the week was full of sunshine which definitely influenced my cheerful disposition throughout it! (^_^) on that note, i deemed it fitting to post this tag reply now.

The Sunshine Award

I appreciate it when fellow bloggers recognize my blog on a positive note and receiving The Sunshine Award from Aria is no exception - thanks dear!

Here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award and write a post about it.
2. Answer the following questions.
3. Pass it to 10 fabulous bloggers and send them a message to let them know.

OK, here we go!

Favorite color?
I'm torn between blue and purple, but i think i'd pick purple.

Favorite animal?
Dogs! I just love 'em. (i have a bias for Labradors!)

Favorite number?
3, because that's the number of divine perfection and it's the number of times i had to undergo ESWL (Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy) before I was pronounced (kidney) stone-free

Favorite drink?
Water, i need to stay in tip-top kidney shape :) And because water is the source of life.

Facebook or Twitter? 
Both, just because I can't really choose one!

Your passion? 
Singing! i love singing for the LORD :)

Giving or getting presents? 
It delights me more to give.

Favorite day? 
Sunday, as i get to rest in His presence and spend time with my family

Favorite flowers? 
Blue roses

That was fun! (^_^) Come, share some fun tidbits about yourself too!

I'm tagging:

Phoebe of Bite. Luxe. Snap. Wonder.
Nikki of Askmewhats
Charles of wickeRmoss
Paula of Polaberrys
Stacey of The Makeup Edition
Pammy of J'adore Rougit
Thiamere of On Beauty Stuff and What Else's
Shen of Shen's Addictions
Tara of Chronicles of Vanity
Jheng of IAmBrigitte

If you aren't tagged but will like to do the tag, be my guest! (^_^)

enjoy your weekend ladies!

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