Review: Celeteque Anti-aging Serum

well well well, if it isn't wowing Wednesday hehe! why did i become cheesy again haha! i think realizing that it's a few days from weekend again that makes me jolly! although a bit on the silly side haha.

if my attitude is cheerful, it's because am so excited that i'll be again a part of another important event for our church, which is the Christmas carol competition. hoping to give my best to give God the glory! (^_^)

ok, anyway i have to cut my bubbly outlook when it comes to this product - Celeteque Advanced Anti-Aging Power Serum (Concentrated Break Off Capsules with Cytostimulin Lipopeptides).

Nikki of Askmewhats was so sweet to include this in her gift to me when we met - thanks again Nikki! since i've recently paid attention to skincare, i was really excited to try a range of skincare items. and anti-aging serums definitely are interesting items to try out - after all, who doesn't want to age gracefully? i really wanted this to work for me, unfortunately i found a lot of fall factors with this item when i used it.

my thoughts:
- the consistency of the product is greasy for me. i've read reviews (see mrsmartinez's and thecuriouszealot's) that they find the formulation to be absorbed easily but it just didn't happen to me with this product. of course it still got absorbed and dried eventually but it took a longer time, like 2-3 minutes. and that amount of time bothers me because to begin with my skin is oily. i actually became hesitant to try this once i broke off the capsule but decided to go ahead and try it instead of wasting it.
- the amount of product is a lot for my entire face because i won't cover my entire face with this. i only applied this on my undereye, forehead, laugh lines, upper cheeks (where my pores are bigger), chin area and neck. i usually find myself forced to finish this off that i just apply the rest on the neck which is not a bad thing because it's the only part that i apply with that i don't have problems with (i can take richer formulated products on my neck but not on my face)
- the thing i hate most about this is that it irritates my eye! even when i am careful not to apply near my waterline i still get teary-eyed after applying this, it totally bugged me! so much that after 16 days of use, i gave up on it. it's now sitting on my drawer with 5 more capsules left. *sigh*
- it's promise is to smoothen the skin in as little as one week but i felt that it just made me oilier unnecessarily. good thing this is only used at night, cannot imagine using this during day! it will make me look like a frying pan fresh from frying fries (that's how i wake up in the morning when i used this the evening prior)
- considering this worked for me, who in their right mind can maintain using a product that costs about PhP700 every 3 weeks? definitely not me. i think there are far more superior anti-aging creams/serums/products that can deliver far better results and will be either cheaper or more cost-effective. now that i've thought about it, maybe a better skincare regimen will help in the fight with anti-aging, don't you agree?

ok, i wanna stop right now because it is seriously messing with my happy outlook today hehe. but even if this is not a good review, i hope this product will work on maybe dry skinned or normal skinned people. i believe on giving personal reviews, whether they are good or bad, because it gives an insight of how it performed on an individual. of course, the decision to purchase and try a product is always on our own. :)

wow your Wednesdays women! haha i am totally wacked out today with the Ws lol!

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