Wishlist granted: Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Camellia

We beauty enthusiasts all have wishlists, right? For those with significant halves of their lives, we secretly want them to get one or some from it for us because it will just make our day to get something we really like won't it? I know I would.

My hubby did just that! He came home from his business trip yesterday and he brought me a present -- the limited edition Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Camellia!

When we left for Manila back in June, I saw this at Changi DFS. I fell in love with the scent the moment I tested it! It's fresh, crisp and flowery but not sweet or woodsy. Sadly, my hubby reasoned with me not to buy it at the time. With held back tears, I succumbed and became the epitomy of an obedient wife. It was not so hard letting go of it since I still have perfume but the idea that I was so close to getting it then lost it made me a bit sad for a while. So you could imagine my smile was ear to ear when he told me to send a picture of it so he could find it at the airport. I'm so proud of my hubby! He strives and continues to thrive in being a loving and thoughtful husband to me not only by giving me material things, but the fact he remembered what I liked is priceless for me -- especially since he's not usually like that. I can only thank God for His continuous restoration and uplifting of our relationship as husband and wife. I doubt you're reading this my dear hubby, but in the rare case that you are, I want the whole cyberworld to know that I thank you and appreciate you and your everyday intention to work on the success of our marriage. Oh, and I love you! Well, even if he isn't reading this I've told this to him already hehe!

If you are curious, 100ml comes to a damage of S$55 at Changi DFS.

Have you received a wonderful surprise recently too? I'd love to hear it! Let's share positivity this beautiful Monday. *wink*

Have a great start of the week!

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