MWAH! #2

Happy weekend! It's a gloomy day today. The sun barely peeked through and the rain pitter-pattered. But no amount of bad weather stopped my daughter and I from looking forward to spending girl time! We watched Breaking Dawn Part 2, just the two of us, and it was awesome!

excited during Burger King breakfast - a few minutes away from epic conclusion of the Twilight Saga!

If you still don't know, on weekends I choose to tackle topics besides "serious makeup/beauty talk" and just share what I love. I call these posts MWAH - Making Weekends Absolutely Heartwarming.

Onto the movie - we loved it a lot! It would've been perfect if it weren't for all the graphic display of affection but other than that it was cool! This story may be flawed but Edward doesn't fail to mesmerize me as Jacob does for my daughter haha. I'd like to mention specifics but just in case you haven't seen it, I don't want to spoil it for you. *wink*

Speaking of spoilers, there's one that I can't get over it - Dakota Fanning's makeup!

photo credit: Liadan Tumblr

I mean seriously, who did her eye makeup?! There is no symmetry and finesse in it. It was like the professional MUA called in sick. I wonder why they didn't bother to correct that? *sigh* It's a thousand miles apart from her awesome look in New Moon:

photo credit: Twilight Moms

Right??? She looked so hot here! Anyway, good thing the reason why I watch this movie is 1) I love the Twilight book series and 2) I love Robert Pattinson. *big grin*

More than the movie itself, I totally enjoyed watching it with my daughter. Even though she's on Team Jacob (I tease her he's a pedo because he imprinted on a newborn haha!) and I'm obviously on Team Edward (well, more like Team Rob really lol), we agree that we are Twihards hehe. It was great to do something we both like and enjoy together since we usually can be so different from one another. She isn't crazy one bit about makeup or hair like me - unless you count her obsession with liquid felt-tip eyeliner for drawing stuff on her palm or hands haha. I was so touched because she took to heart my company that she didn't even put on her earphones while we're on the bus en route to the movie house. We just chatted until we reached the mall. May be small stuff for some but totally big time for yours truly. And before the movie started, I asked her if she loves these bonding moments with me alone and she said yes. I told her I love her and she replied back that she cannot answer me the same thing but that I know she does. Hahaha, teens these days. As now that she's twelve years old and would either spend time with her friends or do her own thing (play video games, read books in her room, fiddle with her phone), I'm thankful for days like this because she still likes to do bonding activities with me and probably still secretly enjoys she's my only and beloved little princess. *dreamy grin*

How's your weekend? Having a blast with people that matter to you? What movie have you seen lately and with whom?

Enjoy your rest. Tell your loved ones you love them today and put a smile not only on their faces, but on their hearts.

*tsup tsup*

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