my MAC Art Supplies collection haul ... and thoughts

sorry for being MIA my dear followers. work has been quite hectic lately - crazy deadlines to meet. yesterday, i actually went to work but left after 11am because my eyes have been acting up - getting all watery, i literally look like am crying at times with my tears voluntarily dropping on the sides of my eyes. i had to go see a doctor and take the rest of the day off. after putting on medical eye drops, i dozed off for a few hours. because i was able to rest for a bit and i felt better, i wrote this post hehe.

a couple of weeks ago, i grabbed some MAC greasepaints from the Art Supplies collection. i was planning to get only Charred Mauve but the MUA persuaded me to get Uniformly Blue as well. he said it was gorgeous and i saw that it really was hehe so i had to snatch it too. btw, got each at S$32 (if i remember correctly).

ok, onto some eye candy first!

my thoughts on this product: initially, i thought it is useless and a waste of money. i was told by the MUA they can be used alone so i tried that and it was just awful. it kept chaffing off, like it hardens after repeated application (more than one layer). but then eventually i discovered that it can be applied beautifully if i first use an eyeshadow primer (i like UDPP) then tugging the eyelids a bit to provide a smooth canvas - same texture on the back of the palm - so i can apply layers of product without it flaking. time is of the essence though, i needed to work fast since it dries fast (same with paint pot). afterwards, powder eyeshadow needs to be applied to set it. and that way, it looks fabulous! the only rant i have is it is hard to blend that it's not advisable to apply it over the crease area because that way you can't really blend it properly and will result to it chaffing off if you insist on doing so. other than that, i like it very much.

did you get anything from this collection?

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