my MAC Art Supplies collection haul ... and thoughts
sorry for being MIA my dear followers. work has been quite hectic lately - crazy deadlines to meet. yesterday, i actually went to work but left after 11am because my eyes have been acting up - getting all watery, i literally look like am crying at times with my tears voluntarily dropping on the sides of my eyes. i had to go see a doctor and take the rest of the day off. after putting on medical eye drops, i dozed off for a few hours. because i was able to rest for a bit and i felt better, i wrote this post hehe. a couple of weeks ago, i grabbed some MAC greasepaints from the Art Supplies collection. i was planning to get only Charred Mauve but the MUA persuaded me to get Uniformly Blue as well. he said it was gorgeous and i saw that it really was hehe so i had to snatch it too. btw, got each at S$32 (if i remember correctly). ok, onto some eye candy first! my thoughts on this product: initially, i thought it is useless and a waste of money. i was told by the MUA they can be used alone ...