NOTD: OPI Black Shatter

exciting Monday to all of you my dear readers! it's the start of a 7-day prayer and fasting for our church's nearing camp and i'm so excited! Hope Church Singapore is going to Kuantan, Malaysia at Bukit Gambang Resort City on the 19th, whopee!

there's another beauty-related matter that made me excited - OPI Shatter!

i've initially expressed my dismay on this product on a beauty forum but i changed my mind! look at the proceeding pictures and my thoughts to know why!

over OPI Romeo and Juliet

under direct sunlight

outdoor lighting

over Nicole by OPI Light A Candle

under direct sunlight

outdoor lighting

my thoughts:
- if you're a first-time user of shatter polishes, you'd find that this is a bit tricky to apply - reason why i maybe hated this product at first. i found that i neither shouldn't thinly apply nor overapply this in order for it to shatter properly and beautifully. (case in point, swatch with OPI Romeo & Juliet was thinly applied.) you only need to apply the product in one fairly thick coat and it should do its magic momentarily.
- another key for this to shatter properly is making sure the underneath polish is dry before applying this
- it dries up so fast you really have to work on it quickly! you should've thought of how to apply it on your nails before you do or you'll ruin it and start over
- even thought it's shattered, the texture still finishes smoothly!
- since i got black, it's best used on lighter shades

do i love it? yeah i do very much now! in fact, am already looking into what other polishes i can pair this with. am also looking into getting other colored shatters now. uh-oh, says my wallet. :P

do you own shatter polishes? how are you liking or hating them?

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