Battle of Concealers: Shu Uemura Mark Cealer vs. Revlon PhotoReady Concealer

hey lovely ladies! it's the end of another work week - hip hip hooray! okay, does anyone still say that? never mind, am just really happy for another weekend! but wait, there's more! haha i sound like an advertisement! it's a long weekend as Monday is Hari Raya Haji. whopeeeeee!

ok, am composed. :P alright, as promised yesterday i want to show you how Revlon PhotoReady Concealer fares with my HG concealer, Shu Uemura Mark Cealer.

*Note: ALL pictures are clickable to view in actual (larger) size.

more swatches, before and after pictures and my thoughts after the jump!

blended - outdoor

blended - indoor

brace yourselves ladies -- the next visual is a little (depending on your tolerance) disturbing. 

you are warned! :P

with foundation only (i used Joppa Minerals Full Coverage Medium Light)
notice the dark area under my eyes? it makes me look tired and older

concealah time!
(Shu Uemura Mark Cealer on my right side, Revlon PhotoReady Concealer on my left side)

Revlon PhotoReady applied

Shu Uemura Mark Cealer applied

all blended out!
(Shu Uemura Mark Cealer on my right side, Revlon PhotoReady Concealer on my left side)

closeup -- don't i look much rested now?

Revlon PhotoReady blended

Shu Uemura Mark Cealer blended

before and after
aren't concealers lifesavers and miracle workers?!
noticed how my face turned brighter and rested?

my thoughts:
- Shu Uemura Mark Cealer has more yellow in it compared to Revlon PhotoReady
- they were both creamy but Shu's is runnier; however, both were easy to work with
- they cover undereye dark circles and pimple marks very well, although at close inspection i believe Shu performs better
- i did not take a picture after several hours of wear but there were no signs of significant difference in their wearing out throughout the day

i must say that i am pretty impressed with Revlon PhotoReady Concealer because for it's price it didn't disappoint even though there was a little difference, it was not enough to be discounted as a loser in this fight. in fact, it's amazing! because it's a drugstore brand and it surpassed the expectation! i have to be honest though, i still love Shu's and is still my HG concealer. but, now i won't be rushing to Shu's counter just to get their concealer because i can get the same from Revlon's if i ran out and i don't want to shelve out lots of moolah. and oh, did you really think i will end the post with a ridiculous bare, seemingly frowning face? :P

after setting with powder (i used Joppa Minerals Medium Finishing Silk)

now tell me if you see a difference between the two concealers??? ;D on a side note, don't just mineral makeup photograph beautifully? :D

have a great weekend ladies! 'til my next post! *flying kisses to y'all*

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